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« Michelle O se trouve un rôle à sa mesure | Accueil | Un nuage qui recouvre l'Europe »

16 avril 2010


Charlotte Goulmy

Décidément... la vie de First Lady laisse des traces... ☺

Charlotte Goulmy
Pour ceux qui suivent...
L'extrême droite (pvv) recule en faveur de la droite classique (vvd)
Les socialistes continuent un peu de chuter.... comme la semaine dernière....
Toujours aucune coalition viable
mais au moins l'extrême droite est en net recul, plus que le 4ième parti....toujours trop, mais plus c'est moins, plus c'est bien! ☺

Charlotte Goulmy
Du coup assez de courses pour 15 jours!

Anne Sinclair

Non non, exceptionnellement, nous ne bougeons pas ces jours ci!!! Mais nous attendons des amis d'Europe qui me paraissent coincés.


ca fait toujours plaisir ces petites avancée en matière de tolérance et d'égalité. Ca fait aussi réaliser que pendant que l'Amérique avance (certes à petits pas) la France stagne joyeusement. Alors que certains pays européens ont accepté le mariage homosexuel, le gouvernement français y reste toujours farouchement opposé. Au Etats-Unis, c'est plus compliqué : chaque Etat doit avancer (et parfois recule comme en Californie).
Vivement les prochaines décisions d'Obama : même si c'est peu, il fait bouger les choses dans le bon sens.
Ciao !
PS : je lis votre blog avec beaucoup de plaisir et d'intérêt. C'est agréable d'avoir des infos vues d'Amérique.


Un petit qui va être la brebis gâleuse de Wall Street et le monde des Finances:
He apparently is a former student of:

Stanford University
Centrale Paris
Lycée Louis Le Grand
Lycée Henri IV
Lycée Marie Curie

Philippe Pugnet

Le trafic aérien interrompu sur le nord de l'Europe suite à l'éruption du volcan du glacier Eyjafjallajokull, dans le sud de l'Islande


Anne, avec votre globe-trotteur de " Managing Director " j'espère que vous n'aviez pas prévu d'aller dans le coin......ça craint ☻☻

Charlotte Goulmy

pour Blaise
Manuel de Droit public général du monde civilisé. Paris: Recueil Sirey, 1928. 4 Euro
Anything else dear?

Anne Sinclair

Hélène, ravie de vous relire.
C'est vrai que je ne sais pas comment cela se passe en France.
Et d'ailleurs, je me suis emballée un peu vite hier sur la volonté d'Obama de faciliter la vie des homosexuels aux US et à l'hopital: 1) c'est timide et 2) il n'y a pas que là que cette société puritaine a des problèmes. j'y reviendrai. Je file au supermarché, becoze panique à bord...

Blaise d'Ottawa

Bonjour Anne, salut la Sinclairie !

Pendant que nous saluons cette avancée - quelque modeste qu'elle soit - pour les homosexuels Américains, il me vient à l'esprit que par ce geste, le POTUS vient de perdre un soutien de poids de la part d'un des grands dirigeants arabes qui lui, je présume, ne doit pas beaucoup aimer les homosexuels. Et ce n'est pas n'importe quel dirigeant, je vous le promets :

Quelle perte !!!

@ Yul :
Merci pour le correctif; ça m'était sorti de la tête au moment où je rédigeais mon commentaire. J'espère que les Ayatollahs ne m'en voudront pas, eux qui surveillent désormais tout sur le Net.☺

@ Charlotte :
Pourriez-vous me la faire français facile, votre "monde civilisé" ? Je ne retrouve pas mon "Petit traité de Civilisation des Nations pour les Nuls".☺☺☺)

Account Deleted

Tout a fait Helene. Je ne suis pas sur que cela ait beaucoup evolue depuis. Bien content de vous lire a nouveau sur ce blog.



Mme-DSK et les collègues nord-américains, j'espère que vous ne devez pas prendre des avions vers l'Europe, because le trafic aérien est encore très perturbé à cause d'un nuage de cendres volcaniques, venu d'Islande, les perturbations gagnent les USA... eh, bien, non, la fumée ne s'est pas arrêtée aux frontières!!!;-)
A propos d'avion(s), l’analyse des boîtes noires de l'avion polonais accrédite, confirme la théorie de l’erreur de pilotage. On parle quand même d'un scénario de la barrière linguistique, aussi... Il semble que des contrôleurs aériens de l'aérodrome situé près de Smolensk, où l'avion devait atterrir, ont affirmé précédemment que les pilotes ne leur avaient pas transmis des données cruciales sur l'altitude de l'appareil, probablement en raison de la barrière linguistique!!!
Hellooo!!! Les pilotes polonais ont IGNORE les ordres des russes qui voulaient "détourner" l'avion vers un autre aéroport en raison du mauvais temps. Point et conclusion: erreur humaine, causée par de l'orgueil.

Charlotte Goulmy

Ann Coulter on Larry King Live (une version blonde et moins !!!!!! intello que Palin) vient de refuser le qualificatif Droite pour Hitler en maintenant que c'était un VRAI socialiste.... Même un national socialiste donc de Gauche.... Une vraie blonde...☻


Bonjour !

Dans le domaine des G & L rights, BO fera preuve d'une prudence extrême... et d'une lenteur exemplaire...

C'est qu'il connaît les limites à l'ouverture d'esprit des États-Uniens et le pouvoir de nuisance du Tea Party.

Account Deleted

Bonjour Anne Toutes et Tous...
Non toujours pas d' Internet
tamtam seul permet a jog com!
des cons a FT des incapables!

Bravo BO ça au moins c est une avancee!
mais cela montre combien cette Societe américaine est puritaine!
ils ont du taf a faire sur eux même.
faut qu' ils abandonnent le colt frontier et le holster!
la Bible et las pasteurs!
bonne journée a vous toutes et tous.
Jog continue vacances forcéeset entretien feu pour signaux futurs!
vive le 21 eme siècle!


Good mornin' from chilly(1°C!) and sunny Toulouse!

C'est un pas en avant, certes, mais les discriminations existent encore... speakin' of health care, from my inbox:

Hi Melanie,

Nikki is really happy about it.
We do have a huge problem now. Ken, my step-father, was laid off at his job. There were 53 of them. Most, like him, had to work 8 more weeks and he and mom would have had medical benefits for life! It's TERRIBLE. So, I think they will be moving but not sure WHERE yet. Mom mentioned France again and how she had been taken care of at the ER in Paris!

We are all still in shock over this. Plus, Mike's dad is in the hospital and has had a blood infection and pneumonia. I'm overwhelmed thinking about all of this at once. I was looking into Medicare for Mom and Ken and trying to help that way. It's all so unfair, frustrating right now.

I did see Michelle in Haiti. Nikki is going to Haiti, too for a week with "Hands On Disaster Relief". Love, D.
P.S. Nikki, sa fille est gay et a dû déménager en Californie à cause de la discrimination...:-(


By Michael D. Shear
Friday, Apr 16, 2010

President Obama mandated Thursday that hospitals extend visitation rights to the partners of gay men and lesbians and allow same-sex couples to share medical power of attorney, perhaps the most significant step so far in his efforts to expand the rights of gay Americans.

The president directed the Department of Health and Human Services to prohibit discrimination in hospital visitation in a memo that was e-mailed to reporters Thursday night while he was at a fundraiser in Miami.

Administration officials and gay activists, who have been quietly working together on the issue, said the new rule, once in place, will affect any hospital that receives Medicare or Medicaid funding, a move that covers the vast majority of the nation's health-care institutions.

It is currently common policy in many hospitals that only those related by blood or marriage be allowed to visit patients or have power of attorney, which allows them to make medical decisions on behalf of a seriously ill or injured patient. Obama's order will start a rule-making process at HHS that could take several months, officials said.

"Discrimination touches every facet of the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people, including at times of crisis and illness, when we need our loved ones with us more than ever," Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, said in a statement praising the president's decision.

Obama's mandate is the latest attempt by his administration to advance the agenda of a constituency that strongly supported his presidential campaign.

In his first 15 months in office, he has hailed the passage of hate crime legislation and held the first Gay Pride Day celebration at the White House. Last month, Obama's top military and defense officials testified before Congress in favor of repealing of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy for gays in the armed forces.

But the moves have been too slow for some gay rights activists, who have urged the president to be more vocal and active in championing their causes. John Aravosis, a prominent gay blogger, wrote last October that Obama's "track record on keeping his gay promises has been fairly abominable."

Other gay rights activists have defended the administration, while at the same time pushing Congress to act on broader issues such as passage of an employment non-discrimination act and an end to the ban on gays serving openly in the military.

"We see this as part of our ongoing effort to encourage the administration to take action where it has the authority to act," said David Smith, a Human Rights Campaign spokesman. "We've been working and pressing the administration on our legislative agenda. That work continues."

Gay activists have argued for years that recognizing same-sex marriage would ease the stress associated with not being able to visit hospitalized partners.

But opponents of same-sex marriage have called the visitation issue a red herring, arguing that advocates want to provide special rights for gays that other Americans do not have. A spokesman for one group said the president's move was part of a broader effort to appease gays and to undermine the institution of marriage.

"In its current political context, President Obama's memorandum clearly constitutes pandering to a radical special interest group," said Peter S. Sprigg, a senior fellow for policy studies at the Family Research Council. He said that his organization does not object to gays giving their partners power of attorney but that it questions Obama's motives.

"The memorandum undermines the definition of marriage," he said.

Obama's memo to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius orders the development of new rules to ensure that hospitals "respect the rights of patients to designate visitors" and to choose the people who will make medical decisions on their behalf.

The action has the potential to increase conflicts between family members, same-sex partners and hospital staff over end-of-life decisions.

A spokesman for the American Hospital Association did not return calls and e-mails. Efforts to reach a spokesman for the Catholic Health Association of the United States were unsuccessful.

In the memo, Obama said hospitals should not be able to deny visitation privileges on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity.

"Every day, all across America, patients are denied the kindnesses and caring of a loved one at their sides whether in a sudden medical emergency or a prolonged hospital stay," he wrote.

Affected, he said, are "gay and lesbian Americans who are often barred from the bedsides of the partners with whom they may have spent decades of their lives -- unable to be there for the person they love, and unable to act as a legal surrogate if their partner is incapacitated."

Officials said Obama had been moved by the story of a lesbian couple in Florida, Janice Langbehn and Lisa Pond, who were kept apart when Pond collapsed of a cerebral aneurysm in February 2007, dying hours later at a hospital without her partner and children by her side.

Obama called Langbehn on Thursday evening from Air Force One as he flew to Miami, White House officials said. In an interview, Langbehn praised the president for his actions.

"I kept saying it's not a gay right to hold someone's hand when they die, its a human right," she said, noting that she and Pond had been partners for almost 18 years. "Now to have the president call up and say he agrees with me, it's pretty amazing, and very humbling."

The new rules will not apply only to gays. They also will affect widows and widowers who have been unable to receive visits from a friend or companion. And it would allow members of some religious orders to designate someone other than a family member to make medical decisions.

But it is clear that the document focuses on gays. A number of areas remain in which federal law requires proof of marriage, including receiving Social Security benefits and in taxes.

"The General Accounting Office has identified 1,138 instances in federal law where marriage is important," said one gay rights activist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity before the White House formally announced the directive. "We've knocked off one of them."


Je me souviens en lisant ceci que lorsque je travaillais dans un service de soins palliatifs pour malade du SIDA en France il y a 15 ans, au deces du patient, nous n'avions pas le droit de donner ses possessions a son "ami " mais au plus proche parent qui dans ces cas la etait souvent les propres parents du Loi a-t'elle change depuis en France ? C'etait difficile et me semblait tres injuste... surtout pour les alliances et surtout quand la famille du defunt ne reconnaissait pas l'ami en question , ce qui a l'epoque arrivait encore souvent...
Au fait j'etais silencieuse ces derniers mois car trop occupee mais j'ai continue a vous lire avec plaisir...

L'utilisation des commentaires est désactivée pour cette note.

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